In my search for ways to heal my body I discovered this wonderful oil. I had been using organic, unrefined, extra virgin coconut oil for a couple of years just on my skin and other things topically but just recently did I stumble upon information about it's internal benefits. I decided to experiment for myself and boy, was I in for a shocker! I'm surprised they haven't yet made this into some kind of medicine to prescribe. Maybe they have! I had a specific reason for consuming coconut oil. Even if you don't have a specific purpose, incorporating coconut oil into your diet in moderation would be beneficial to your health.
Coconut Oil Benefits When Used Topically:
-Clears and heals diaper rash
-Cures external fungus
-Improves dry skin
-Helps to improve skin issues such as
-Conditions hair
-Helps with dandruff
-Aids in eliminating lice
-Heals cuts/wounds
Coconut Oil Benefits When Used Internally:
-Provides energy
-Promotes weight loss
-Kills viruses, bacteria and fungus
-Improves Diabetes
-Can help those with Crohn's Disease
-Can help with Chronic Fatigue
I originally started using it internally to boost my immune system by clearing my system of any bacteria, fungus or other toxins that were present. Other benefits came about that I was not expecting. This is mostly my opinion but I am pretty sure that most Americans (unless they are on a strict diet and have never had an antibiotic) have an overgrowth of something called Candida (yeast). We all have Candida in our body. It is actually a GOOD thing to have believe it or not. One thing it does is consume some of our sugars for us so that our blood sugar levels don't go crazy all the time. However, because it feeds on sugar it can multiply rapidly if we're consuming too much of it on a daily basis for all of our lives.
Bacteria and fungus love compromised immune systems. When we are given an antibiotic, our immune system gets weaker and allows things such as bacteria and candida to multiply more rapidly. If we are on antibiotics for long periods of time the chances are even greater. Steroids are also an immune system destroyer. When Candida and different types of bacteria are allowed to grow, it can cause things such as digestive disorders, joint pain, chronic fatigue, brain fog, low energy, acne, yeast infections, uti's, etc.
There is science behind why coconut oil is good for us and what it can do if you want to look here. From that page you can find other links to research done on this healthy oil. It does not seem as though FAT (oil) could be good for us because we are told everywhere "fat is bad! no fat! less fat!" but there are antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties within it's lovely, light flavor. It is actually healthy for the heart! It is digested differently than other oils. If you click the link above you will read:
"Coconut oil is comprised of what are called medium chain fatty acids, or medium chain triglycerides...In nature, coconut oil has the largest concentration of these MCTs outside of human breast milk. Vegetable oils, on the other hand, are made up primarily of long chain fatty acids (LCTs).
It has been known for a long time in the scientific literature that LCTs tend to produce fat in the body, while MCTs promote what is called thermogenesis. Thermogenesis increases the body's metabolism, producing energy. People in the animal feed business have known this truth for quite some time. If you feed animals vegetable oils, they put on weight and produce more fatty meat. If you feed them coconut oil, they will be very lean."
I decided to do my own testing of coconut oil. Below is a log of what happened to me from day 1 to day 7. I started out taking 3 Tbsp a day (I would not recommend this!). I had no idea how powerful this stuff is. I put it in a mug of warm water and added some lemon essential oil. It tastes good but has an oily texture.
Day 1
No real difference or changes physically or mentally
Day 2
Felt a little more energy
Day 3
So much energy I did not know what to do with myself! I felt like I drank 3 cups of coffee. Lost 1 pound (wasn't trying but, okay)
Day 4
A lot of energy in the morning with the 1st Tbsp but then after lunch with the 2nd Tbsp I
started feeling like I was coming down with an illness, achiness, chills, etc. That lasted for a couple of hours then went away. I had so much energy at night I couldn't sleep. Noticed my skin condition improving. Lost another pound.
Day 5
I started to realize that I was barely ever hungry. This oil revved up my metabolism like crazy and I ate a lot less at mealtimes. I also seemed to crave healthier foods rather than
chocolate (even though I love chocolate, I barely ever eat it. But I crave it a lot!) Felt sick
(achiness, chills, joint pain) on and off throughout the day. Still not falling asleep most of the night. Skin looked great in problem spots and in general. Lost another two pounds.
Day 6
Decided to only do 2 Tbsp because I wanted to fall asleep easier. I did not take the evening
one. Noticed a great change in my digestive system. My skin felt soft in areas that had been dry and annoying. Energy levels beyond belief. Sick feeling on and off again. Still not sleeping. No weight lost.
Day 7
Only did 1 Tbsp since I was still having trouble sleeping. Did not have quite as much energy. Skin still felt better in my problem areas. Lost two more pounds. Slept better.
When I started this experiment I did not realize that I should not have started with such a high amount. This contributed to my insomnia, joint pain, etc. The reason I was feeling sick at times and having joint pain is because there are symptoms that come along with killing the bacteria within your body. When these things "die off", they are still in your body and need to be eliminated. When you are killing large amounts of these unwanted toxins, all of your cleansing organs are working harder to eliminate them. Drinking a lot of water is key as it helps eliminate things a little easier. Another reason why my experience could have been so intense was that I was not eating any sugars. Eating sugar with the intention of cleansing your system is not very effective.
Coconut oil absolutely will eliminate unwanted bacteria from your body. I was able to feel this with my own experiment. It will definitely aid in weight loss! I did not think I would lose 6 pounds in one week. The best part? I have NOT gained that 6 pounds back since consuming the coconut oil. I thought at first it was water weight but when it stayed off I realized it must have been stored fat. I was not trying to lose weight but it was nice that it came out in my experiment so I could inform others of this benefit.
I would not recommend to anyone to start off taking 3 Tbsp a day. Immune compromised people should be very careful as well. I would recommend starting at 1 tsp a day and working up as long as you are comfortable. Everyone will be different.
Consuming coconut oil just by using it in cooking will not have the same powerful effect but it will still be beneficial to your health. I use it for my family daily in cooking. I have noticed a profound improvement of the immune system of every one in my family since starting daily coconut oil, adopting a Paleo lifestyle, getting regular chiropractic adjustments and using essential oils and homeopathy. Just adding ONE of these things can increase health. Organic, unrefined, cold-pressed, extra virgin coconut oil is an easy thing to add. If you decide to add this oil to your diet or cleanse your system, please avoid processed, refined, cheaper oils.
I love using this oil and will continue to do so. Cleanse or no cleanse, coconut oil is very beneficial in more ways than one.
*Update - I've had a ton of responses on this wondering where to buy it. I get mine from health food stores such as Whole Foods. I buy the Nutiva brand but there are other good ones out there.*
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